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The Cannon Letter

You’ll get a subscription to the bi-monthly newsletter discussing everything about building a broad investor base. Including what’s working now in shareholder acquisition in digital media, tips, tactics, and strategies for targeting both retail investors and professional investors.

Notifications of investor distribution networking events.

The Finance Influencer Series put public companies in the room with the investor newsletter publishing world. The newsletter publishers have aggregated millions of retail investors and advisors. Some publishers have more daily active readers than CNBC has daily viewers. Pendry Cannon’s networking events put you in the room with these innvestor influencers to tell your company’s story.

Plus, get instant access to shareholder acquisition videos

Lessons from $147-million in shareholder acquisition media spend.

Ty Hoffer, CEO of Winning Media, has been helping public companies effectively reach more investors for over 17-years.

There is no faster – or more economical – way to build interest among retail investors than by using digital marketing.

Winning Media has a long and proven history of helping publicly traded companies reach targeted investors – and generate meaningful ROI.

How to get your company featured in investment newsletters.

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LinkedIn Strategies for Public Companies

Seth Farbman, CEO of VStock Transfer, explains how to use LinkedIn to reach professional investors.

Seth has over 800 issuers as clients. He’s built companies. Exited companies. And is one of the best networkers in the industry.

He’s also a “LinkedIn enthusiast” who has grown increasingly passionate about it’s power to help CEOs get their company’s story out.

In this conversation you’ll hear why and how Seth helps clients leverage LinkedIn to tell their company story to professional investors, family offices, and more.

Get more shareholders by subscribing to The Cannon Letter

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